According to CCPIA monthly bulletin of statistics of China Agrochemicals, there were nine paraquatmanufacturers operating in Apr, one more than that of Mar, which led to an increase of 14.2% on output...
According to CCPIA Monthly Bulletin of Statistics of China Pesticides, VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price) of abamectin TC has been increasing since the beginning of 2014. Till Apr, the price increas...
According to CCPIA monthly bulletin of statistics of China pesticides, in April, VWAP of glyphosate TC declined by $150 than that of March. Meanwhile output of glyphosate TC also declined by 8.9% and ...
According to CCPIA Monthly Bulletin of Statistics of China Agrochemicals, after suffered from a round of sharp decline during the year of 2012 and first half of 2013, azoxystrobins pricewelcomed its s...
According to CCPIA Monthly bulletin of Statisitics of China pesticides, in Mar,VWAP of paraquat increased by more than $1900 than that of Feb. There were eight manufacturers operating in Mar, one more...